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Root Canals in Garner, NC

Advanced Technologies - White Oak Family Dentistry

Removal of Infected Pulp

White Oak Family Dentistry in Garner, NC is highly skilled at performing painless root canal treatments. When you hear the word root canal, you probably think about a painful procedure. However, the pain comes from the infection inside the tooth, not the treatment. Root canals are necessary when the pulp in your tooth has become infected by a variety of causes. The tooth pulp and tooth nerves will all be removed during a root canal. The problem area is in the middle or inside of the tooth. Dr. Sigmon will remove the infected pulp and thoroughly cleanse the area of all bacteria. If the tooth is not too badly damaged then the remaining tooth will remain in the mouth. The part of the tooth that was just removed will be filled with a rubber-like material and sealed. Crowns or fillings will be added for protection.

Complete & Comfortable Root Canals

Eventually, the infection can turn into an abscessed tooth which causes severe pain, bad breath, and swollen neck glands if left untreated. A root canal can sound like a worse case scenario but it can actually be the best answer to save your tooth. White Oak Family Dentistry is here to answer any questions or concerns that have about your root canal treatment. Dr. Sigmon’s understanding of the latest service techniques and quality equipment will enable us to completely clean all bacteria. After this careful cleaning, we start the rebuild process. Root canals can often be performed in one visit, but if the damage is extensive it may take up to three visits to our office. Timing is everything when it comes to our root canal service. The sooner you come to us for a check up, the sooner we can have this problem fixed for you.

Schedule a Root Canal Service

White Oak Family Dentistry is your total tooth care provider. Your first response to any pain or discomfort should be a call to our office. You can be confident that Dr. Sigmon knows how to make the pain go away for good. We understand that the dentist may not be your favorite place to visit and most people resist us until they have no choice. Do not wait until the pain is unbearable. The root canal is not meant to cause you more pain. It is meant get rid of the pain and give you a healthier and stronger mouth. Give us a call today at 919.986.0151 so we can have a look at your tooth’s condition. The answer may very well be a root canal, and that is the good news. If you wait too long, you just might lose some teeth. Losing teeth, especially when it could have been avoided, is always unfortunate.