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Stop Snoring and Start Breathing!
White Oak Family Dentistry is the best facility that offers services for many oral care issues. Hygiene and restorative procedures may be our main focus, but they are not the only problems that we address. There can be even more important issues than a yellow smile or a toothache. At least it can be for the person suffering from sleep apnea. Many individuals suffer from sleep apnea and are not even aware of it. Often a partner is alerted by the symptoms of snoring or stopping to breathe while sleeping. Snoring is only one aspect. An obstruction in breathing is much more serious. Treating sleep apnea is all about opening the airway to allow airflow. During an apneic event, this passage becomes blocked routinely causing you to stop breathing at various times through your sleep cycle. This temporary blockage can happen a hundred times throughout the night. Anytime your body is not automatically receiving oxygen it is a grave problem.
Serious Solutions For a Serious Problem
There are generally three types of sleep apnea that people have:
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Central Sleep Apnea
- Mixed
Obstructive Sleep Apnea is the most common and happens when the throat muscles relax and cause the airflow to be blocked. Central Sleep Apnea deals more with the brain communicating with the body’s muscles, telling them to keep breathing as you sleep. Mixed, as you might have guessed, is a mixture of both forms of sleep apnea. If you believe you might be suffering from sleep apnea, you should take it very seriously. Ultimately, all forms of sleep apnea are preventing your body from receiving oxygen. It does not get any more important than that. We will coordinate a sleep study with a physician and decide the best course of treatment. An oral appliance can be fabricate to help keep the airway open in many cases. Solving problems with sleeping will pay huge dividends for the rest of your life. The possible health risks of not receiving oxygen are obvious, but namely strokes, high blood pressure, heart disease, adult asthma, acid reflux, and more.
Schedule an Appointment For Sleep Apnea Treatment
White Oak Family Dentistry in Garner, NC is always ready to solve your oral care issues. Whether you are teeth are hurting or you stop breathing at night, it cannot be ignored. Give us a call today at 919.986.0151 get us started on the problem. We will get you back to safe and comfortable sleeping habits.