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Porcelain Veneers to Revive Your Smile
Veneers are used to improve the cosmetic look and feel of your smile damaged by neglect or an accident. After our quick but thorough consultation, we will be able to offer you the most effective solution. Come to White Oak Family Dentistry in Garner, NC full of questions and we will have the correct answers. All patients typically want to know is how to make their mouths more attractive. Veneers are a popular solution that allow you to remodel your mouth to perfection. Many people resist going to the orthodontist because of they consider braces an inconvenient, painful, and unattractive option for teeth straightening. The better option for many are porcelain or composite resin veneers, a thin, see-through shell that covers your actual teeth. What people like most about veneers is their natural look which allows them to keep all of their teeth.
Removing All Imperfections – Quickly & Safely
Veneers quickly cover for a lot of natural imperfections by bonding to your natural teeth. They’re unlike braces which gradually straighten teeth with additional time, discomfort, and maintenance. Veneers are considered “Instant Orthodontics” because of the speed that you can have the smile you always wanted. They can correct a variety of imperfections in your teeth, including color, shape, spacing and alignment. In a matter of 2-3 visits, you will be leaving with the perfect smile. You will receive complete veneer service which includes all necessary after care and maintenance service. Find out if veneers are right for you by contacting the specialists at White Oak Family Dentistry.
Schedule Your Veneers or Invisalign Appointment!
It is simple to fix any of the issues with your teeth alignment that have been bothering you. Start by contacting our friendly specialists to let us know how we can help. Our quality teeth-straightening options help you reach the goals that you have for your smile. White Oak Family Dentistry wants to see you get everything you want from our veneer services. Any of our quality services will be recommended according to your specific needs. Give us a call today at 919.986.0151 to schedule an appointment for the best teeth straightening service for you.