Archive: September 2018

What To Expect During Your Dental Check-Up
What Happens Now? Your first dental visit is now history. You selected your favorite dentist, filled out a bunch of paperwork and insurance information, had an initial exam, teeth cleaning and X-rays. Now it’s six months later and it is time for a check-up. You are feeling great but your teeth are getting a little...
Dental Implant vs Dental Bridges
Which Do I Need?
Missing teeth can be a result of injury, tooth decay or gum disease. Spaces between existing teeth steal the beauty of your smile. When laughing your hand is in front of your lips to cover the insecurity you feel when exposing the gaps between... 
Is Invisalign Right For You?
Invisalign is just as its name suggests, an almost invisible way to align your crooked teeth, and is an attractive alternative to metal braces for adults and...

Veneers vs Crowns – Which Do I Need?
There is nothing more attractive than a white, perfectly aligned smile. Your smile says to onlookers that you are approachable, accepting them as they are. On the other hand, a smile with discolored, missing or decaying teeth sends a different message. When you look into the mirror at your reflection which smile do you...